Tuesday, September 27, 2011

ALERT: Water Regulators May Fail

Please consider replacing the water regulator in the floor of your water heater closet (see photo below). They are warranted for about 12 years -- but our properties are over 25 years old. The city's water supply fluctuates and can get as high as 150 pounds per square inch (normal is between 50 and 60 psi). The regulator keeps the high pressure outside the house, and only exposes household plumbing to the normal pressure range. If your toilets flush in the middle of the night for no reason, this could mean your regulator has failed. When they fail, they let the high pressure in and eventually the pressure may burst in items that are unable to handle the pressure (like an old toilet valve or an old water heater) and then your home is flooded. This actually happened to a home in the subdivision.

You can consider hiring a local plumbing service to replace this, Aames (the Pink Plumber) will charge $500 for the job. Plan B is to buy the replacement regulator (see photo below) for $58.95 plus $11.29 shipping to 30080, and hire a handyman to turn off the water supply, carefully remove the old unit and install the new.