Wednesday, June 10, 2015

10 points to Good Standing

Dear Windy Hill Forest Owners and Tenants:

Property values are increasing steadily in Smyrna and the volunteer Board of Directors have been working to assure that Windy Hill Forest is a safe, attractive, well-cared for place to live.  The Board has developed the following 10 point summary to describe "Good Standing" for purposes of complying with HOA covenants and policies.
Thank you for your attention to these items.


1.  Dues – Each owner is expected to pay current year dues - and if in arrears on prior years be on a written payment plan for back dues.  Please email for a sample payment plan  (
Generally, dues are $500 per year with a $400 discount down to $100 provided a home is in Good Standing.

2.  Driving Speed – Safety is a priority, especially since our children, our pets and our residents must use the street as their sidewalk.  This makes driving speed and parking a safety concern.  With regard to speed, owners, tenants, residents and guests are expected to drive on our street with caution and at a speed no faster than 15mph.  

3.  Parking – Please do not park in front of driveways or otherwise on the street, and please inform neighbors and email the HOA in advance of party events. Consider getting permission to put your own car at a neighbor's, and use your driveway for guests.

4.  Curb Appeal – The front of homes are expected to be free of clutter and kept clean; the green roll aways for garbage are to be pulled behind shrubbery or otherwise put out of sight, and no window air conditioners are to be present.  

5.  Lawns - Homes are expected to cut lawns regularly. (At least once every two weeks during growing season and as needed after September.)  Homes should cultivate green grass lawns with proper seeding, watering and fertilizing with crabgrass control.  The smaller front lawns can consider mulch alternatives provided the mulch is refreshed as needed and is maintained for weed control.

6.  Good Repair - Each home is expected to be free of rust, cracked, peeling or fading paint, free of mold, broken siding or rodent openings; each is to have properly installed and functioning gutters, roofs, HVAC, plumbing and electric systems; each home is to have clear windows without broken seals; each is to have termite control and fences at homes are to be free of broken sections.

7.  Maintain Contact – Each owner is expected to keep the HOA informed of the owner’s current contact information and to promptly update the HOA on changes thereto.  Messages can be emailed to or sent by text to 404-955-8101.

8.  Tenants - Landlords are expected to identify tenants and to issue a letter addressed to the their tenants and to  the HOA confirming that tenants are to comply with the HOA’s covenants and policies.  Please email for a sample form of the letter (
Note:  AirBNB type rentals are NOT allowed without HOA prior approval, ask to see the HOA special policy on short term rentals (

9.  Back Yard Access - Each property shall cooperate in allowing neighbors to have full access to their own back doors.

10. Nuisance/Pets. – Please see the HOA Nuisance Policy at  Also on pets, every resident and guest is expected to clean up after pets, and prevent ongoing barking and whining.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Minutes of 2015 Annual Meeting, Higher fees

The minutes of the annual meeting are in italics below.  Due to a new Smyrna citation pending against the HOA for detention pond maintenance, fee structures were increased.  There were also invitations for other persons to come forward to serve on the board, but the invitations were not accepted.  For homes that timely pay and remain in good standing on HOA covenants and policies, the fee will go up to $100 in 2016, but will remain at $50 for 2015.  Persons failing to timely pay, and persons who lose good standing status during the year will owe $250 for the year. A formal dues notice with a firm due date will be mailed in the coming weeks.

The 2015 annual meeting was held March 14,  2015 at 2pm at the Monterrey Restaurant, 1368 Atlanta Rd, Marietta, GA.  This meeting was held as part of written notice mailed on March 4, 2015 to all 89 homes in HOA  and the required quorum of 9 homes was exceeded.  Notice was also published at the HOA entrance and on the website.

It was moved, seconded and almost unanimously resolved (there was one nay vote):

I. that the minutes of the March 8, 2014 annual meeting be approved.

II. that the following persons be elected by the membership to serve as the HOA Board of Directors:

Sandy Vazquez                       Karen Wilcox              Mary Groves                            

Mark Groves                           Alisha Davis

III.  There was discussion on how the covenants commenced in 1985 with an annual lawn/HOA maintenance fee of $216 which was subject to a 5% increase on the prior year amount.  After calculating the annual increases, the amount for 2015 is $933.  It was resolved that the HOA’s gross annual fee of $933 would be discounted by $683 for the lawn care component such that the annual fee was $250, provided the homeowner arranges regular lawn care. 

IV.  It was further resolved that an additional "good standing" discount would apply contingent upon two things: timely payment and remaining in good standing for the entire year with respect to HOA covenants and policies; it was resolved that the good standing discount would result in a net fee of $50 for 2015 and $100 for subsequent years.  Items that will void good standing status include, but are not limited to the following:  failure to establish & maintain a payment plan with the HOA on delinquent dues, failure to provide contact information (including email & cell phone), failure to keep property tidy, presentable and in good repair, and failure to cooperate with HOA parking policy; notice and opportunity to cure such failures will be posted on the door of the home and the full $250 fee will be due from homes remaining out of compliance. 

Various discussion of subdivision matters occurred but no other resolutions were adopted.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


2015 Annual Meeting for Windy Hill Forest HOA
NEW MEETING PLACE: Monterrey Restaurant

 NOTICE:Annual Meeting is 2:00pm on Sat., Mar. 14, 2015 , Monterrey Restaurant,1368 Atlanta Road, Marietta, ph: 678-996-2898.  It's north of us on Atlanta Road, just south of the Chevron Station on Austell & Atlanta Roads.  The restaurant is on the north end of its shopping center, and we are meeting in the north section of the restaurant.  Please consider becoming a Monterrey patron.

To:  Owners of the following homes on Springleaf Circle:1400-1474 (even nos.), 1401-1465  (odd nos.) & 1471-1505 (odd nos.)  If you are a tenant, please pass this along to your landlord.

Thank you for your support over the last year.  It is time for this year’s annual meeting.  We will elect directors, discuss parking, fee policy, repair policy, detention pond issues and continue to seek to amend the covenants so they are updated with the new Georgia Property Owners Association Act. 


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