[2017 Bills are mailed,
Contact us if you don't receive yours ]
29 April 2017
to: Homeowner
Re: 2017
HOA Billing for Dues
home #____: YOUR
Remarks: ____________________________________________
Prior Yrs Unpaid: ___________________________________________
Please mail payment to: Windy
Hill Forest, PO Box 1704, Smyrna GA 30081. No payments can be
accepted in the closed mail slot near 1406 Springleaf Cir.
Dues are LATE if not postmarked by 6/30/2017.
The HOA appreciates your financial support. Our
member meeting in March confirmed a minimum fee of $100. You can see the 2017
minutes at www.tinyurl.com/whf2017minutes. Please let us know if you intend for the
HOA to maintain your lawn, if so an entirely different fee structure
applies. Your billing is above. Most homes will be billed $100 for
the year – but this amount can be increased to $500 if there are problems in
cooperation with HOA covenants and policies which are summarized as the 10
Points – you can see them at www.tinyurl.com/whf10pts.
Landlords, note that the HOA Landlord letter is at www.tinyurl.com/whf-landlord1. A small minority of homes are being
billed $500 at the outset due to cooperation problems. If you have
been billed the $500 amount and would like to petition the HOA Board to reconsider,
please copy & fill out the form at www.tinyurl.com/whf-fee-petition, then email it to windyhillforest@gmail.com.
Windy Hill Forest
Homeowner's Association Inc.