Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Minutes of 2019 Annual Meeting of Members

The 2019 annual meeting was held March 23, 2019 at 1:15pm at the Smyrna Library Meeting Room. This meeting was held as part of written notice mailed on March 13, 2019 to all 89 homes in HOA and the required quorum of 9 homes was exceeded. Notice was also published at the HOA entrance and on the windyhillforest.com website.

It was moved, seconded and unanimously resolved:

I. that the minutes of the April 21, 2018 annual meeting be approved.

II. that the following persons be elected by the membership to serve as the HOA Board of Directors:

Carmine Lombardi LaVonya Williams Robin Ray Daniel
Clayton Fain Mary Groves Lillian Camp

III. There was discussion on how the covenants commenced in 1985 with an annual lawn/HOA maintenance fee of $216 which was subject to a 5% increase on the prior year amount. After calculating the annual increases, the amount for 2019 is $1,135. It was resolved that the HOA’s gross annual fee of $1,135 would be discounted by $635 for the lawn care component such that the annual fee is to be $500, provided the homeowner arranges regular lawn care.

IV It was further resolved that an additional "good standing" discount would apply contingent upon two things: timely payment and remaining in good standing for the entire year with respect to HOA covenants and policies; it was resolved that the good standing discount would result in a net fee of $100 for 2019. Homes that do not comply with the HOA's Ten Points posted on the website and at tinyurl.com/whf10pts are not in good standing; notice and opportunity to cure such failures will be posted on the door of the home and the Board will have discretion on how to impose the $500 fee on homes remaining out of compliance. Homes that repeat failures previously notified are not entitled to new notices and new opportunities to cure.

Various discussion of subdivision matters occurred, but no other resolutions were adopted.

Signed: Mary Groves, Secretary

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Annual Meeting - Library Location


www.windyhillforest.com email: windyhillforest@gmail.com

NOTICE:Our Annual Meeting is on Sat., March 23, 2019 in the Smyrna Library Meeting Room, 
100 Village Green Circle, Smyrna, GA.

Officer reports & discussion are at 1:15pm, VOTING begins at 2:15pm

To: Owners of the following homes on Springleaf Circle:
1400-1474 (even nos.), 1401-1465 (odd nos.) & 1471-1505 (odd nos.)
If you are a tenant, please pass this along to your landlord.

Thank you for your support over the last year. It is time for this year’s annual meeting.  We will elect directors, discuss parking, fee policy, repair policy and continue to seek to amend the covenants so they are updated with the Georgia Property Owners Association Act. By March 18, annual meeting info will be online in the following directory, including the financial report. This info will be at: tinyurl.com/whf2019docs

Please arrive in time for voting at 2:15pm. Those with questions should come an hour earlier for the 1:15pm discussion portion of the meeting.

Signed: Mary Groves for the WHF Board (our phone is 770-955-8101 )