Friday, March 6, 2020

Annual Meeting, Library Meeting Room

Meeting to be Reset due to Covid-19 Closings

All City Buildings, including the Smyrna Library, are closed to the Public and will be closed on March 21.  The HOA Member meeting was noticed to begin at 2:15pm at the Smyrna Library on March 21.  For those that show up, we will briefly commence the meeting and then will hear a motion to adjourn and reconvene at another day, time and place.  A notice will be posted on the Library door to that effect.   We are looking at Whitfield park or possibly a video/chat broadcast via the internet.  Please go to for meeting notice updates.


NOTICE:       Our Annual Meeting is on Sat., March 21, 2020 in the Smyrna Library Meeting Room 
ADDRESS:   100 Village Green CircleSmyrnaGA.

Officer reports & discussion are at 2:15pm, VOTING begins at 3:15pm

To:                Owners of the following homes on Springleaf Circle:
                     1400-1474 (even nos.), 1401-1465 (odd nos.) & 1471-1505 (odd nos.)
                       If you are a tenant, please pass this along to your landlord.

Thank you for your support over the last year. It is time for this year’s annual meeting.  We will elect directors, discuss parking, fee policy, repair policy and continue to seek to amend the covenants so they are updated with the Georgia Property Owners Association Act. There will also be discussion on setting policy for garbage tote enclosures, satellite dish removal, feral cat control and excessive sound/noise. By March 14, annual meeting info will be online in the following directory, including the financial report. This info will be at:

Please arrive in time for voting at 3:15pm. Those with questions should come an hour earlier for the 2:15pm discussion portion of the meeting.

                                                                  \Signed: WHF Secretary 
                                                                  (our text/voicemail is 404-955-8101 )