Thursday, April 30, 2020

2020 Annual Meeting Reset & Minutes


NOTICE OF RESET: As of 2:15pm our Annual Meeting was convened briefly on Sat., March 21, 2020 at the Smyrna Library, a quorum was not necessary to hear a motion to suspend and reset the meeting. Accordingly a motion was made and unanimously adopted by those present to reset the meeting to approximately the same time and place for Saturday, April 25, 2020. The meeting was again briefly convened at that time with a motion made and unanimously adopted to suspend and reconvene the meeting outdoors at 2pm Saturday, May 16, 2020 at the HOA field adjacent to 1505 Springleaf Circle.

RESET ADDRESS & TIME: 2pm Saturday, May 16 in the Outdoor field next to 1505 Springleaf Circle

OFFICER REPORTS are to be presented in writing by 2pm on Saturday, May 9 and posted at with links to same sent out to the HOA's current email list.

MEETING AGENDA: Meeting information will be posted in advance at  We expect the meeting to be very short with enough members appearing in person or by proxy to establish a quorum. We plan on social distancing with 3 short Agenda items:

     One: Affirm the Minutes from the prior year meeting

     Two: Elect the Board of Directors. There will be a motion to re-elect the current Board Members Robin Ray Daniel, Mary Groves, Clayton Fain, LaVonya Tensley, Lillian Camp. Additionally there will be a motion to add Charles Spencer to replace Carmine Lombardi (our friend lost his battle with cancer and paralysis).

     Three: Approve an HOA Fee Assessment similar to the prior year. There will be a motion to set the HOA’s maximum annual fee at $1,190 with a discount $690 for the lawn care component such that the annual fee is to be $500, provided the homeowner arranges regular lawn care; further, the $500 fee is discounted down to $100 provided the home complies with HOA covenants and policies summarized at

MEETING DISCUSSION TO BE DIGITAL: We encourage members to review the officer reports online and send commentary by email to Also, a few items will be presented informally as POLL QUESTIONS (this will be either at at web page or sent directly to the membership that has a current email address on file with the HOA). We are trying to simplify and shorten the meeting experience to accommodate Covid-19 concerns with appropriate precautions.

\Signed: Mary Groves, WHF Secretary
(our text/voicemail is 404-955-8101 )