Sunday, June 13, 2021

2021 Member Meeting Minutes




Member Meeting Minutes 2021


The 2020 annual meeting was held on June 12, 2021 at 2pm at the HOA park next to 1505 Springleaf Circle.  This meeting was held as part of a written notice mailed on May 29, 2021 to all 89 homes in HOA and the required quorum of 9 homes was exceeded. Notice was also published on the website and it was broadcast by email to homes that had email addresses on record with the HOA.


It was moved, seconded and unanimously resolved:


I. that the minutes of the May 16, 2020 annual meeting be approved (see


II. that the following persons be elected by the membership to serve as the HOA Board of Directors:


Charles Spencer LaVonya Tensley Robin Ray Daniel

Mary Groves Akshay Bondre


III. There was discussion on how the covenants commenced in 1985 with an annual lawn/HOA maintenance fee of $216 which was subject to a 5% increase on the prior year amount. After calculating the annual increases, the amount for 2021 is $1,250. It was resolved that the HOA’s gross annual fee of $1,250 would be discounted by $750 for the lawn care component such that the annual fee is to be $500, provided the homeowner arranges regular lawn care.


IV. It was further resolved that an additional "good standing" discount would apply contingent upon two things: timely payment and remaining in good standing for the entire year with respect to HOA covenants and policies; it was resolved that the good standing discount would result in a net fee of $100 for 2021. Homes that do not comply with the HOA's Ten Points posted on the website and at are not in good standing; notice and opportunity to cure such failures will be posted on the door of the home (or sent to the home owner via mail or email) and the Board will have discretion on how to impose the $500 fee on homes remaining out of compliance. Homes that repeat failures previously notified are not entitled to new notices and new opportunities to cure.


Various discussions of subdivision matters occurred, but no other resolutions were adopted.


Minutes made the 12th day of June, 2021



Signed: Mary Groves, Secretary

Thursday, May 27, 2021

2021 Member Meeting



To: Owners of the following homes on Springleaf Circle:  1400-1474 (even nos.), 1401-1465 (odd nos.) & 1471-1505 (odd nos.)  [Tenants, please give to your landlord]. 

Thank you for your support over the last year. It is time for this year’s annual meeting

NOTICE:Our Annual Meeting is set for 2pm Saturday June 12, 2021 in the Outdoor field adjacent to 1505 Springleaf Circle.

MEETING AGENDA & OFFICER REPORTS: This information will be posted in advance at

We expect the meeting to be short with enough members appearing in person or by proxy to establish a quorum. We plan on social distancing with 3 short Agenda items: 1. Affirm the Minutes from the prior year meeting; 2. Elect the Board of Directors; & 3. Approve an HOA Fee Assessment similar to the prior year.

Please arrive in time for voting at 2:30pm. Those with questions are encouraged to email them in advance, or at least come promptly at 2pm for a short discussion.  

Signed: Mary Groves for the WHF Board

Saturday, May 22, 2021

HOA Nuisance Policy

 As a town home community it is important for each resident to contribute to curb appeal and to refrain from acts or omissions that diminish the enjoyment or attractiveness of nearby homes. Article IX of our recorded covenants make provisions in this regard and authorize the HOA Board of Directors to issue policies for these purposes. Accordingly, the following Nuisance Regulation is hereby adopted as policy of the Board and is to be added to the “Ten Points” policy summary published by the HOA.

1. Nuisance is a common law tort. It means: that which causes offense, annoyance, trouble or injury. For HOA purposes, nuisance is that which diminishes the value or rightful enjoyment of other property in the neighborhood.

2. The matters outlined here are by no means all possible nuisances, and the Board is free to adopt revisions to this policy from time to time, at its discretion.

3. Any HOA officer or Board Member may notify a member of Windy Hill Forest Homeowners Association of circumstances at the member's property that constitute a nuisance. The offending home is encouraged to address the matter promptly. The Board is to take up the matter at its next meeting in order to adopt enforcement actions, consider settlement terms, or monitor the situation for later action.

4. Examples of nuisances include (but are not limited to):

a) generating noise that violates the Smyrna sound ordinance or is a disruptive breach of the peace (including but not limited to constant dog barking, heated arguments or late night broadcasting of music, song or shouting);

b) attracting feral animals to one's property or to otherwise harbor, feed or shelter such animals (however, bird feeders intended to attract small birds shall not be considered a nuisance);

c) failure to perform regular lawn care or failure to keep one's home appealing and in good repair;

d) failure to make space in one's own driveway for guest parking (and thus relocate one's own vehicle to other appropriate parking locations if necessary); and

e) littering, damaging or otherwise tampering with HOA common area or property of others.

5. Enforcement options. A nuisance offense may result in one or more of the following:

a) the home and its owner are sanctioned by losing any good standing status retroactive to January 1 of the year (with annual dues owed adjusted accordingly);

b) the home and its owner are sanctioned by losing the lawn care privilege, thus the home's dues are assessed at the full lawn care rate (pro-rated based on the calendar year) and the HOA may elect to partially perform the lawn care (or decline to perform) until that fee is paid in full;

c) the home and its owner are imposed with the following insurance requirements: i) a bona fide certificate of general liability insurance which specifically insures the property and its occupants with $2 million in general liability coverage for all claims which may arise from acts or omissions at the home; the certificate is to be provided by an insurer rated “A” or better by the A.M. Best rating service; and ii) a check payable in good funds to maintain a Short-Term Rental Deposit with HOA in the amount of $5,000 as a self-insurance fund to accommodate claims arising from the home's nuisance condition;   and/or

d) the home and its owner are made subject to lien claims and to court actions for damages and injunctive relief, with all HOA legal fees borne by the offending home and its owner.

6. This policy shall be promptly published at and broadcast to the HOA email list. Owners shall have 21 days from this date to review their own property, identify non-complying conditions and remedy them -- after this initial 21 day period, all homes are subject to enforcement sanctions for noncompliance.

The undersigned HOA Secretary confirms that the above policy was adopted by the HOA

Board of Directors on the  21st    day of     May ,    2021.

Signed: Secretary, Windy Hill Forest HOA