Sunday, February 25, 2007


The 2007 WHFHA annual meeting was held at 3:30 pm at the Smyrna Community Center on Saturday, February 24, 2007 after notice was mailed and posted at the front entrance. A quorum was present and the following business was conducted: i) the minutes from the 2006 meeting were unanimously approved, and ii) the following persons were unanimously elected to serve as directors until their successors are appointed -- Haywood Franklin, Rochelle Martin, Susie David, Sandy Vazquez, Rene Lisby and Mark Groves.

Susie David provided a treasurer's report, Haywood Franklin provided the president's report on the year's accomplishments and the coming year's objectives, Rochelle Martin urged the membership to work within their respective townhouse clusters to keep up their properties, Mark Groves started the petition which adopts the Georgia Property Owners Association Act into our covenants, and Rene Lisby gave a very informative report on the pricing for new homes and homeowner fees in Smyrna. Windy Hill Forest is quite a bargain.

A number of important issues were discussed, including street parking problems, driving speeds, mischievous children and the need get Mark's Property Owner's petition signed up in the subdivision so WHFHA can better address some of these problems. Members wanting specific issues to be addressed are invited to bring their concerns to a Board of Directors meeting. Our pattern is to hold meetings on the 4th Monday of each month at 8pm at 1442 Springleaf Circle.

The 2007 Fees were discussed and announced by the Board. The fee is $50 if you pay by April 15, 2007, otherwise the fee is $100. This is discussed more on this blog's next article.

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